Güncel Gönderiler: Araştırma Çıktıları | WoS | Scopus | TR-Dizin | PubMed
Toplam kayıt 2205, listelenen: 481-500
Aluminum and lithium sulfur batteries: a review of recent progress and future directions
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2021)Advanced materials with various micro-/nanostructures have attracted plenty of attention for decades in energy storage devices such as rechargeable batteries (ion- or sulfur based batteries) and supercapacitors. To improve ... -
A Log-Linear Modeling Approach for Differential Item Functioning Detection in Polytomously Scored Items
(Sage Publications Inc, 2020)A log-linear model (LLM) is a well-known statistical method to examine the relationship among categorical variables. This study investigated the performance of LLM in detecting differential item functioning (DIF) for ... -
Long term wind speed estimation for a randomly selected time interval by using artificial neural networks, Amasra, Turkey
(Sila Science, 2012)In this study, a new ANN estimation model has been developed in order to estimate wind speed in the long term. The data used in the model developed for this study was provided from the wind station in the province of Amasra, ... -
Pretreatment of simvastatin on liver trace element levels during endotoxemia
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020)There are a number of studies investigating anti-inflammatory effects of simvastatin in patients with sepsis and animal models. There are a few studies which investigated effect of simvastatin on elements in sepsis. In the ... -
Analytical solution of the local fractional Klein-Gordon equation for generalized Hulthen potential
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2017)The one-dimensional Klein Gordon (KG) equation is investigated in the domain of conformable fractional calculus for one-dimensional scalar potential, namely generalized Hulthen potential. The conformable fractional calculus ... -
How liquid hydrogen production methods affect emissions in liquid hydrogen powered vehicles?
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)Emissions variations of liquid hydrogen (LH2) production methods in liquid hydrogen powered vehicles are investigated in this study. Volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate ... -
(Middle East Technical Univ, 2013)[Abstract Not Available] -
Improving catalytic hydrolysis reaction efficiency of sol-gel-encapsulated Candida rugosa lipase with magnetic beta-cyclodextrin nanoparticles
(Elsevier, 2014)A silica-based p-cyclodextrin was immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles to obtain a macrocyclic compound with magnetic property. Then, the beta-cyclodextrin-grafted magnetic nanoparticles were encapsulated with Candida ... -
Oxidative damage parameters in renal tissues of aged and young rats based on gender
(Dove Medical Press Ltd, 2013)Purpose: Aging is characterized by a gradual functional decrease of all systems including the kidneys. Growing evidence links altered lipid protein redox-homeostasis with renal dysfunction. The effect of sexual dimorphism ... -
Molecular structure and phase change properties of various polymer-doped liquid crystal
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2019)In this study, the electro-optical and phase transition properties of 4-cyano-4'-n-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) liquid crystal doped by various polymers have been investigated. New liquid crystals were synthesized by doping 5CB ... -
Emotion recognition with deep learning using GAMEEMO data set
(Wiley, 2020)Emotion recognition is actively used in brain-computer interface, health care, security, e-commerce, education and entertainment applications to increase and control human-machine interaction. Therefore, emotions affect ... -
(Scibulcom Ltd, 2011)Buildings have important effects on the health and several performances of human because a long part of the human life passes inside the buildings. That is why the physical conditions in the buildings should be suitable ... -
Examination of Teacher Candidates' Lifelong Learning Competence and Basic Motivation Resources as Parts of Sustainability
(Mdpi, 2019)The purpose of this research is to determine the level of teacher candidates' lifelong learning competence and basic motivation resources and to examine the lifelong learning competence and basic motivation of teacher ... -
The Presidentialization of Political Parties: Organizations, Institutions and Leaders
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2018)[Abstract Not Available] -
Legumes And Oilseed Consumption Frequency
(Mattioli 1885, 2021)Introduction: Nuts, seeds, and legumes are all nutrient-dense foods. Preclinical and clinical studies show that legumes are functional foods that modulate biological processes that facilitate obesity, including thermogenesis, ... -
The effect of treating goat's milk with transglutaminase on chemical, structural, and sensory properties of labneh
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013)Labneh (a concentrated type of Mediterranean-Middle-East yogurt) was prepared by inoculating goat's milk with/without transglutaminase(TGase, at ranges of 0-4 units/g protein), followed by heat inactivation. Application ... -
(Mehmet Akif Ersoy Univ, 2020)In this study, with the example of Tekirdag application, which for the last ten years in the social work activities without accommodation owns an increasing importance, according to the current location quotient, the ... -
Late magmatic - hydrothermal tourmaline occurrences within leucogranites in NW Anatolia (Turkey): Mineral chemistry and genetic implications
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2021)Numerous Oligo-Miocene plutonic and associated aplite-pegmatite rocks occur in the Western Anatolian Magmatic Complex. However, only the plutons of Namazgah, Karadag, Sogucak and Karadoru, in the Biga Peninsula, host three ... -
On a Multidisciplinary Study of South Siberian Turkic Varieties (in Comparison with Yakut). Part I.
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2015)This study encourages a multidisciplinary research to identify parallels in the group belonging and chronology of South Siberian Turkic (Chulym Turkic and Bachat Teleut) and Yakut. There is solid evidence that the ancestors ... -
Assessment of scaling properties of groundwater with elevated sulfate concentration: a case study from Ergene Basin, Turkey
(Springer Heidelberg, 2013)In this study, the Langelier saturation index and the Ryznar stability index of the groundwater of the east of Ergene Basin were evaluated to assess the corrosivity or scale-forming tendencies. Corrosion is one of the most ...