Güncel Gönderiler: Araştırma Çıktıları | WoS | Scopus | TR-Dizin | PubMed
Toplam kayıt 2205, listelenen: 601-620
Type-1 possibilistic fuzzy forecasting functions
(Elsevier, 2020)Type-1 Fuzzy Functions (T1FFs) were developed by Turksen as an alternative fuzzy inference system (FIS) and have been commonly used in forecasting problems. The main advantages of T1FFs are that they are free of rules and ... -
Addressing the Challenge of Food Security in Turkey
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2020)Over the next few decades the world faces an historic challenge with the nexus of food security, economic development, and global environmental change. The challenge of the coming years is to produce enough food to meet ... -
(Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka, 2021)It is a theoretical fact that countries in which foreign direct investments (FDI) are realized by trans-national corporations for the purpose of profit should have some economical and institutional pull factors. This study ... -
The determination of short circuits and grounding faults in electric power systems using time-frequency analysis
(Univ Cape Town, Energy Res Centre, 2015)In order to ensure that electrical energy reaches consumers uninterrupted, researchers constantly try to improve power transmission lines. To realize this improvement, probable faults should be analysed through every known ... -
On the generalized C*- valued metric spaces related with Banach fixed point theory
(Inst Advanced Science Extension, 2017)The Banach contraction principle, which shows that every contractive mapping has a unique fixed point in a complete metric space, has been extended in many directions. One of the branches of this theory is devoted to the ... -
A result on the coupled fixed point theorems in C*-algebra valued b-metric spaces
(Forum Editrice Univ Udinese, 2019)The aim of this paper is to establish a new Coupled Fixed Point Theorems for C*-algebra valued b-metric spaces. As an application of our result, we discuss the existence and uniqueness results for Couple Fixed Point Theorem ... -
Does food disgust has a relationship with orthorexia nervosa? Correlation with gender and body mass index
(Mattioli 1885, 2020)Objective: This study was conducted to determine the association of the predisposition to food disgust and orthorexic tendencies to gender, BMI and some variables. It is the first study to assess food disgust, disgust ... -
Determination of Ni, Pb and Cd in drinking fountain water in Kirklareli/Turkey by FAAS after preconcentration on quercetin modified using granular activated carbon
(Desalination Publ, 2020)The purpose of this study was to determine the level after preconcentration of trace heavy metals ions using drinking fountain water (20 points) in Kirklareli province by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The ... -
Activity levels of Po-210 and Pb-210 in some fish species of the Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2013)Concentrations of Po-210 and Pb-210 were determined in the edible muscle tissue of twelve species of marine fish collected from Izmir Bay in the Aegean Sea Region of Turkey during the 2006-2007. Po-210 activity concentrations ... -
Seasonal variation of the concentrations of Cs-137 in sediment, sea water, and some organisms collected from Izmir Bay and Didim
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014)Cs-137 in the marine environment mainly originates from fallout of atmospheric nuclear weapon tests, accidental releases from nuclear facilities, and from the Chernobyl accident. After the latter accident, many studies ... -
Common Fixed Point in C*-Algebra b-Valued Metric Space
(Amer Inst Physics, 2016)In this present paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the common fixed point theorem for self-maps in C*-algebra valued b-metric spaces. Besides, we give example to illustrate our theorem. Findings obtained ... -
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)ABO(3) ceramics and their alloys form the basis of piezoelectricity based energy harvesting, actuators and electromechanical sensing for material health monitoring. Enhancing their electromechanical response is crucial for ... -
Can first trimester maternal serum follistatin like 3 levels predict developing gestational diabetes mellitus?
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine whether the first trimester maternal serum levels of follistatin like 3 (FSTL3) are altered in patients who develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Methods: This is a ... -
Spectral and statistical analysis for ferroresonance phenomenon in electric power systems
(Springer, 2012)This study presents our findings on the ferroresonance phenomenon for the Seyitomer-Isiklar part of the Electric Power System of 380 kV in Turkey. In this context, the power spectral density approach and Short-Time Fourier ... -
(Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, 2015)This paper presents a novel approach in design of toroidal axial flux permanent magnet open-slotted NN type (TAFPMOS-NN) motor. TAFPMOS-NN motor is an accomplished both theoretical and experimental model. The results of ... -
Levels of Po-210 in some commercial fish species consumed in the Aegean Sea coast of Turkey and the related dose assessment to the coastal population
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013)Concentrations of Po-210 were determined in the edible muscle tissue of five species of marine fish: Sardine (Sardine plichardus) and Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Red mullet (Mullus barbatus), Horse mackerel (Trachurus ... -
Fibonacci Sequence and Continued Fraction Expansions in Real Quadratic Number Fields
(Univ Putra Malaysia Press, 2017)In 2002, Tomita and Yamamuro defined several theorems for fundamental unit of certain real quadratic number fields. Although, there are infinitely many values of d having all 1s in the symmetric part of continued fraction ... -
FFANN Optimization by ABC for Controlling a 2nd Order SISO System's Output with a Desired Settling Time
(Mdpi, 2019)In this study, a control strategy is aimed to ensure the settling time of a 2nd order system's output value while its input reference value is changed. Here, Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network (FFANN) nonlinear structure ... -
Continuous wavelet transform for ferroresonance phenomena in electric power systems
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013)The common characteristics of a nonlinear system are multiple equilibrium points, limit cycles, jump resonance and sub-harmonic generation. Ferroresonance is also a nonlinear electrical phenomenon, which occurs frequently ... -
Evaluation of electronic transport and optical response of two-dimensional Fe-doped TiO2 thin films for photodetector applications
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2020)We have carried out the structural, electronic and optical properties of Iron (Fe)-doped TiO2 thin films by sol-gel technique. The results reveal that the thin films form in a granular structure where particle-like grains ...