Güncel Gönderiler: Araştırma Çıktıları | WoS | Scopus | TR-Dizin | PubMed
Toplam kayıt 2205, listelenen: 641-660
(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2019)Natural resources should not be exhausted as if they will not run out. It is a humankind duty to take care while consuming and to devise a livable world. This discussion is dedicated to the Ergene River, one of the beauties ... -
Evaluation of nursing students' epilepsy-related knowledge and attitudes
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2020)Aim: This study evaluated the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students toward epilepsy. Method: The descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with the voluntary participation of 161 nursing students in their ... -
Adsorption application of activated carbon from ripe black locust seed pods for wastewater taken from Ergene River, Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021)Ergene River contains many chemical substances and therefore, it has negative effects on the surrounding ecosystem and local people. To find a solution to these chemical substances and also to determine the adsorption ... -
Modeling of spatiotemporal variations of groundwater levels using different interpolation methods with the aid of GIS, case study from Ergene Basin, Turkey
(Springer Heidelberg, 2021)Monitoring of groundwater is important for sustainable use and planning of an aquifer. Water level information is the main source of information used to understand aquifer response. In this study, based on the geostatistical ... -
Are Intensive Care Unit Patients Undergoing Enteral Nutrition Therapy Sufficiently Fed? A Prospective, Descriptive Study
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021)Underfeeding is prevalent in intensive care unit (ICU) patients receiving enteral nutrition (EN). This study aimed to investigate whether ICU patients were fed adequately on the third day of EN. One hundred ten patients ... -
Energy efficiency analyses in a Turkish fabric dyeing factory
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2021)In this study, energy efficiency applications and corresponding energy saving results were evaluated in a Turkish fabric dyeing factory. The relationship between energy consumption and the production were evaluated by ... -
Renewable energy sources as a solution for energy security risk: Empirical evidence from OECD countries
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022)This study analyzes the impact of renewable energy on energy security risk for 23 OECD countries over the 1985-2016 period using second generation panel data techniques. To our knowledge, this study is the first to empirically ... -
(Znack Publishing House, 2015)This study was conducted to evaluate the daylighting performances of classrooms. For this study, a classroom in Kayali Campus and two classrooms in Kavakli Campus of Kirklareli University have been selected. In these ... -
Exergetic analysis of an LPG evaporator/regulator with thermal storage
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017)In this study, the efficiency of an LPG evaporator/regulator (E/R) is investigated on both energy and exergy concept. The E/R, which is a key part of LPG conversion systems that enables gasoline engines to be operated on ... -
Energy Efficiency Implementation in a Fabric Finishing Factory in Turkey
(Ieee, 2019)Energy efficiency efforts are getting more importance due to the increasing difficulty to access the energy resources and global environmental problems especially climate change. Energy efficiency is a vital issue for ... -
New Bianchi type-I cosmological models for biharmonic particles using string cosmology with exponential law
(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2015)Anisotropic Bianchi type-I magnetized string cosmological models are obtained in decaying vacuum energy density proposed by Pradhan (Commun Theor Phys 55: 931-941, 2011). In this study, we obtain some physical and geometrical ... -
An approach to energy and elastic for curves with extended Darboux frame in Minkowski space
(Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences-Aims, 2020)In this paper, we construct the energy for the ED-frame field of the first and second kind on an orientable hypersurface in Minkowski space. We obtain the geometric properties of some graphics by way of energy. We apply ... -
Synthesis of PhTAD-substituted dihydropyrrole derivatives via stereospecific C-H amination
(Springer, 2017)Stereospecific alpha-amination has been accomplished via addition of N-phenyltriazolinedione (PhTAD) to the allylic position of dihydropyrroles. The aim of this study is to evaluate new PhTAD derivatives of biologically ... -
Database for an emotion recognition system based on EEG signals and various computer games - GAMEEMO
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2020)In this study, electroencephalography-based data for emotion recognition analysis are introduced. EEG signals were collected from 28 different subjects with a wearable and portable EEG device called the 14-channel EMOTIV ... -
Qualitative determination of occupational risks among operating room nurses
(Australian Nursing Federation, 2020)Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the occupational risks faced by operating room nurses, their working conditions and health problems, and the protective measures adopted. Background: Since operating ... -
Individual-based Estimation of Valence with EEG
(Ieee, 2020)In this study, it is determined individual-based features which are used to estimate emotional negative valence and compared the features effectiveness with different classifiers. Ten movie clips are shown to subjects as ... -
EEG-Based Emotion Estimation with Different Deep Learning Models
(Ieee, 2019)Emotion has a vital role in people's routine lives. It can be expressed via voice, facial expressions, body languages, mimics with intentionally or unintentionally to interact with the environment. In this regard, it is ... -
The effectiveness of Glasgow-Blatchford Score in early risk assessment of hemodialysis patients
(Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, 2021)In the emergency departments (ED), the incidence of admission is increasing gradually due to gastrointestinal system (GIS) complications of hemodialysis (HD) patients. With this increasing number of patients, there are ... -
An investigation on well-to-wheel emissions of passenger cars in Turkey
(Springer Heidelberg, 2021)Passenger cars are responsible for a great amount of energy consumption and emissions in the world. Turkey is one of the world's twenty largest emission producers. The reason behind this study is to determine the most ... -
The effect of collector parameters on nanofiber yarns produced by electro yarn spinning machine with conical collector
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021)In this work, electrospun yarns were produced by a nanofiber yarn spinning machine with a conical collector. In the first part, two different polymers (PAN and PVDF-HFP) were used in nanofiber yarn spinning with two different ...